"Confused?  Just wait."

Updated every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!



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founder of
The Random Video Game Humor
Webcomic Ring:




At long last the strip seems to be going somewhere again, neh?  TDC and Magus set out to reclaim the crucial moments surrounding...  but you already knew that.  Wait, that gives me an idea for the next strip...

Well, I need to apologize (I seem to be doing that a lot lately) for the lack of updates.  It's been nearly a month for most of you, and that is way uncool.  Fortunately, the updates are there, they're just coming late.  I decided to go back and play catch-up rather than leave a month gap in the archives and storyline.  So, there they are!  Also, the rants aren't exactly up to snuff, but writing 15 rants in two days doesn't seem to bring out the best in my artistic abilities...  Seemed to work pretty well for the strip, though.

Anyway, to those of you who have emailed me: thanks.  I'll get to your links as soon as you can.  I finally got back to the RVH ring and managed to catch it back up.  I'm doing my best to get to the forums three to four times a month, despite how slowly they load on (gag) AOL.

Well, enough said.  Let me get this stuff up on the web.  :)

TDC, who finally caught up
- everything you want

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All video game characters, storylines, promotional merchandise, names, places, events, titles, and anything else not adapted or created by me belongs to their respective creators. Reset is a work of parody under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Original content copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 TheDarkChristian, Shaun Bell.

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