"Confused?  Just wait."

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The Random Video Game Humor
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I can fly!

Magus can, at least.  He may be a badass, but even the most intelligent among us overlook the most logical things sometimes, neh?  *chuckle*  Believe me, I have.

It seems to me that humans actually like pain and suffering in themselves.  I'm a sucker for sad songs and sad anime (read: Neon Genesis Evangelion).  Just the mention of some titles makes me shudder with pleasure.  Odd, neh?  I wonder why that is.

Is it something within us that craves the morbidity of the suffering of others?  Does it help us better understand ourselves, or make us feel better to know that there's suffering out there greater than ours?  Just something to ponder for a bit.  l8r.

TDC, who is writing a lot of rants at once...
- cruel angel's thesis

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