2-28-02 Toldja so You see? There is a thread of continuity. And another one with the next update. Wait and see. :) So the goomba wasn't just there to be smashed or to provide comedic effect. He was genuinely gathering intelligence. Though why Jenny couldn't do it herself is beyond me... Guess she didn't want to go through the trouble of looking. Hey, don't ask me, I just work here. ;) So, what do I have to write about this time? Procrastination. >.< Yup, you know the stuff. The urge to put it off just a little longer. It attacks you in the mornings, especially. I find that lately even getting up is difficult. Hell, I don't get up in the morning at all anymore. I usually get up after noon. "Good for you," you say, jealous. But trust me, it's not my idea of a good time. I don't get up because I don't have a reason to get up. You ever had that feeling? That there is so much to do, but no pleasure in it? Makes you put off anything. And I do mean anything. Hopefully the feeling will pass when I get a job again. I think I need a touch of regimentation, something to keep me busy so that I appreciate my free time and perhaps (just maybe!) stop procrastinating. Keep your fingers crossed. ^_~ TDC, who is glad he ranted again, however short. |
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