3-7-02 Dancing?!? Yeah Cid digs a good jig. Say that five times fast. And what Megaman was doing looks remarkably like dancing... Can you really blame him? Heh. I'm still unemployed and without a decent net connection, but at least I seem to be taking it better. Maybe that's just on the surface, who knows? I'm getting to share Cowboy Bebop and Trigun with my beloved and my roommate. They seem to enjoy them. I definitely recommend both series highly. I have no decent cd-ripping program. Bummer. I have one that doesn't recognize my cd-rom drive, so I can't turn my cds into mp3s. It's such a pain getting the cd case out of the rack, opening it up, opening the little cd drawer on the computer, (as I don't have a stereo,) putting the cd in the little drawer and closing it again, just to hear one song, as that's invariably all there is on a given cd. *sigh* I feel like such a snob complaining about such things when there are starving children in Africa. But still, that's a lot of effort for minimal entertain- I'll shut up now. TDC, who should learn when to keep his mouth
(fingers?) shut |
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