3-28-02 Disney I had a blast making today's comic. I have been looking for Mario World or Mario Kart backgrounds for quite some time, but have been unsuccessful in accruing (sp?) them. So I improvised. *chuckle* Sonic is none to happy, neh? I finally got a job! Woot! And again I say, w00+! I'm working at Zio's, which is a kickass Italian place that Remmie and Phantom and I used to go to on a regular basis. It's in the same parking lot as the local movie theater, which made it really convenient, and... Anyway, you get the idea. I'll have money soon. I also got the month's magazines. I quickly set aside those of lesser importance, namely Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Wired, and even Maxim. I went straight for the gold: EGM. I looked once again on the beauty that is Kingdom Hearts. It's a game made by the unlikely combination of Square and Disney. Yes, you read that right. It's a surprisingly serious RPG, considering its main characters are some spikey-haired kid, (Square's contribution, obviously,) Donald Duck and Goofy. Sounds odd, eh? Well, it looks surprisingly sweet. Then I went to my other magazines, Maxim (hey, I've got my priorities straight) PM, PS, and finally Wired. After that, I got to a back issue of Wired (it's always the last to get read). The cover story is Disney Invader. Man, are they right. Disney is taking over the world, and I'm sure they don't want everyone in the world to know about it. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if... TDC, who believes in freedom of the press, dammit |
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