4-13-02 Zero's Wow. I feel about like Sonic right now. Trippy. He just ate a mushroom, what did you expect, super power with no side effects? Foolish mortal. Man, I'm tired. It's been a long week, but at least I'm making money again. I'm employed now by my father and Zio's Italian Kitchen, both on a part-time basis. I drive about 40 minutes each morning to get to dad's by 8 am, and I usually go to Zio's around, say, 4 and get off about 10. Makes for a long day after the half-hour drive home and the Reset updates. Not to mention my books, and video games? Not a single pixel. Oh well. I'm sure I'll get used to it before long. It's 2 am, though, and I'd like to get this thing up. I'm heading out to chat with Remmie in the morning. :) l8r d00ds. Okay, that subcomic by Joe is really up this time, I swear! See it here! Also, I got an award from Alphamole of Tandu. See? TDC, who is thinking about Saturday night... ;) |
All video game characters, storylines, promotional merchandise, names, places, events, titles, and anything else not adapted or created by me belongs to their respective creators. Reset is a work of parody under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Original content copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 TheDarkChristian, Shaun Bell. Reset is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.