"We take humor seriously.  Or seriousness humorously.  Or something.  Yeah."

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founder of
The Random Video Game Humor
Webcomic Ring:



1 down...

!!!Another update!!!


I know, I'm pathetic.  I haven't touched the movies in nearly a month, to be honest, and my search for alternate providers has come up woefully short.  Oh well.  I have no idea when I'll get the videos done, but I assure you I will.  I just hope the hundred or so of you that are still around are patient enough.

Also, I removed the music entirely from the small version of the movie, making it roughly 96k.  *chuckle*  I wish everything was this easy.


6-11-02  I received an email from keenspace telling me that the movies were too large.  Frankly, I agree with them.  I have taken down the large and medium movies.  If you want them, I can send them directly to you somehow or other.  I'm also working at making the "small" one smaller.  I'm afraid the next two won't be nearly as cool as I had originally hoped, having only one or two songs instead of the 11 that the first movie offered.  Sorry for wasting your time.  I'm not even sure if I should finish the other two movies.  Keenspace is right, they host webcomics, not movies.



Well, I finished the first one.  I have it saved in three convenient sizes:

Small (for modem connections) 7 mb

Medium (for mid-range connections) 19 mb

Large (for high-speed connections) 40 mb

The difference is mainly in sound quality.  I'd recommend that you stop and listen for a while to each song, as they really rock.  Most of them were acquired at vgmix.com which is an awesome site.  I recommend checking it out.

Anyway, I am about halfway through the second movie, but there's no telling when I'll get it done, and when I do, when I'll be able to upload it.  I've been done with this one for a few days, but couldn't upload it.  I finally took my computer back to my dad's place and uploaded from there.  I hope it worked.  *crosses fingers*

Well, it's shorter than I wanted it to be, but it's finished.  I hope you enjoy it.

Be patient.  From my experience, the animation is a little slow while loading.  I have it programmed not to say "start" until roughly 2/3 is loaded, but all the same...  Also, you might try right-clicking and downloading the file (save target as) and then watching it later.  Saves you the trouble of waiting and watching at the same time.  At roughly 90k/s (my dad's connection download speed) it takes about 8 minutes to download the large file.  Anyway, enjoy!

TDC, who wishes he could meet deadlines better
- only sleeps when it's raining

Get Flash !


All video game characters, storylines, promotional merchandise, names, places, events, titles, and anything else not adapted or created by me belongs to their respective creators. Reset is a work of parody under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Original content copyright © 2001, 2002 TheDarkChristian, Shaun Bell.

Reset is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.