thedarkchristian, founder of
TDC: 6-1-01 What a fool I am. I got an email from my mother today asking who I was going to go on a date with last night. *sigh* I'm not going on any date. I would if I had my way. Chances are the girl I talked to yesterday just wants to be friends anyway. Sheesh. I'm amazed at how fast word travels around here. And I'm rather pleasantly surprised to find out that my mother reads Reset. Hi mom! Go to the forums! We like to hear from you! Along those same lines, email me with feedback of any kind. So far, I've gotten one - count them, one - email. And that was from the folks at Save Point. Don't tell me only Keenspace members read comics anymore... Tell your friends about us! :D Remmie will have a new rant for you next monday. I should have an archive set up for them by then. Should I save mine? Are they worth saving? Today's comic features the first battle in our little game of Final Fantasy 3. Some of the abilities of Remmie and I become apparent. Yes, Remmie is a thief... but not just a thief. And yes, I'm a mage... but not just a mage. :D Things will get more interesting as time goes on. And this is not the last time you will see us bend or break video game rules. Never liked structure all that well anyway. ;) I'm rather eager to get more comics out. However, making the first five has been admittedly grueling. Today's comic required me to make three new images for Remmie and three more for myself. All in all, it took me more than 2 1/2 hours to make the comic. And most of the images were pre-prepared. Also, you'll notice a change in the strip today. Yes, that's a new font you see. I'm using Garamond Condensed now instead of Andale Mono, which I was using before. I decided I'd rather have a font that will allow me to say what I want said than one which more closely resembles FF3's. Do you approve? Let me know! At long last, I get a break... But I'll still be cranking out images. I just won't have to worry about getting them uploaded by midnight. ;) By the time you read this, I should have the background up and running. Do you like it? Tell me! (Yes, I'm all but begging you to send me an email.) 6-2-01 What a day. Today, we are having a festival in the Park. A sort of celebration of Christianity. It was supposed to be a huge event, but I'm afraid the turnout is going to be much lower than we had originally anticipated. I even thought it was supposed to be next Saturday... >.< As I'm writing this, my father is calling in with more things we need. It will be interesting to see how things turn out in the end. Well, it's 8:30 in the morning, and I am surprisingly alert. I was up until 2:30 last night. Went over to a new friend's house to watch the new Kenshin. Incredible. Simply incredible. If you are a Kenshin fan, you absolutely must see the new tape. Right now. I really mean that. Stop reading this and go get the new tape! Why are you still here? Anyway, whereas the first few tapes are semi-random, the newest has to do with the long-term storyline. It is intense, to say the least. *sigh* Well, I'm off to the Park to take a few things over. I have the feeling this will not be the last of such runs... 6-3-01 I am a fool. I finally got up the guts to ask a girl out, and she's leaving for another state for the summer in less than two weeks. Oh well. At least she said yes. ;) A little background. I've been working with this girl for about a month now, and she's been the one that I kinda confide in, the one I let my guard down with. The reason was simple: I thought she was much older than me and as such, it mattered little what her opinion of me was in the dating realm. Well, it turns out she's a year younger than myself. :D I'm afraid I can't say too much more because there is more than one person from work who I'm sure frequents here, or at least reads once in a while. Well, I still plan to have a new comic up for Monday, and Remmie (last time I heard) was planning to send me a rant later today for Monday's comic. My ideas are flowing like water, and I find it difficult to restrain myself. It will be interesting to see how all my projects turn out. Especially Reset and Magitech. BTW, I know you haven't, so do it now. Email me. ~TDC
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Final Fantasy 3, its logo, characters and anything else that appeared in that game or its advertisements is copyright by Square. Reset is a work of parody under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Original content copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 TheDarkChristian, Shaun Bell.