1-31-02 Have an ice day Is Tempest actually afraid of Cid? Hmm... Guess we'll have to wait and see, neh? Well, I've finally got everything set up to my satisfaction, for the most part. I still have to move a few more things around before I'm really comfortable in my new place, but for the most part, it feels like home. Cool. Unfortunately, we had this huge winter storm move into the midwest. Rob (one of my roommates) and I felt it coming and had mixed feelings. He could tell that it was going to be enough to cancel school, but figured it would melt the next day. I was not looking forward to the poor driving conditions, as I was looking forward to going and seeing my beloved. Well, someone (or something) managed to delay the storm a bit, draw it out, and add some power to it. I swear, it wasn't me. I tweaked it a bit, adding a bit of warmth here and there to aid the travel of myself and some of my friends, but nothing drastic. Then I figured "Hey, it won't be so bad if it stays close to freezing, right? I mean, 2-3 inches of snow isn't so bad as 10, right?" Unfortunately, that made it all freezing rain, so now we have a few inches of nice, solid ice. *sigh* Also, the power lines are breaking, so I'd better stop typing, and get this thing uploaded (on 56k, ugh), neh? TDC, who is happy to finally be done moving |
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