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People are stupid.  Anyway, today's strip is a parody of FF4's Legend screen.  Thought it was humorous.  Could've been better animated, I suppose, but oh well.

Back to my previous point.  I find myself complaining a lot about the way people drive, or the stupid things people say or do.  I have realized that it's not the things people do or say that piss me off, that it's something inherently wrong with the person that angers me.  Let me phrase that a little better.  I wish people would use acceleration lanes for what they're designed for.  But I don't necessarily want a law for that, or even enforcement for that law, I just wish people would change.

It's not the individual action of a person that makes me angry, it's that there's a pattern inherent there: a pattern of foolishness.  Perhaps I'm just being too hard on them, but would it be so hard to be a little more observant?  A little more caring?  A little more friendly?

What's wrong with the world today?  L.E. Modesitt, Jr. said that "any government supported by a deep and widely held belief will remain effective and stable so long as that doctrine remains widely believed."  America was founded on Christian beliefs and principles.  In the last few decades, they have taken major steps to get away from those principles.  I'm not saying Christianity itself is the answer (though I personally believe it to be).  I'm simply claiming that without the glue that originally held this country together, it's inevitable that it will fall apart.

This isn't the kind of thing that happens quickly.  Look at Rome, one of the greatest empires in history.  There is a saying that "Rome wasn't built in a day" and it wasn't destroyed in one either.  America is the same way.  The moral degradation we are seeing in our society is symptomatic, it isn't the cause.  The cause is that the unity our country was built on has been set aside for so-called freedom.

So what is the solution?  What can save our country now?  Getting back to our core beliefs once again?  That'd be a start.  But personally, I think we've gone too far already, and it's too late to go back now.  America's downward spiral will carry it into oblivion, and there's not a damned thing we can do about it except pick up the pieces when it's done.

TDC, who is thinking too much.  It's gotta be unhealthy.
- my sacrifice

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