"We take humor seriously. Or seriousness humorously. Or something. Yeah." Updated every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
5-4-02 Guest rant: Joe So Mario attempts to get Tails to shut up... unsuccessfully. *shrug* Better luck next time, d00d. Joe was reading yesterday's rant and found that he disagreed a bit. So I told him to put it in a bit more coherent form and here it is. Enjoy. :) Also, if anyone else feels that they disagree with ANY of my rants, email me, and it just might end up as a guest rant. Later. Something I don't
get. People say one thing, and mean one thing about it. And all of a
sudden, others, just to start crap between people will alter words or
meanings just to see disputes happen. WHY!?!? What in the blue hell
is wrong with these people, that they see some pleasure in making
havoc for others? Its times like these that I wish I could just sit
down and throw away those people in my life who make it hard for me to
leave the house and live my life, and yet, I deal with them on a daily
basis. I always say I hate stupid people, and most of my friends are
stupid. Does that mean I hate my friends? No, I hate my
acquaintances. Those who have yet to screw me over, they are people I
consider my friends. For instance, my brother. He may have ditched
me before, and he's forgotten about me, but he has never screwed me
over. Another would be the host of
this site,
TDC. No, this is not a
shameless plug for him, its true. He hasn't done anything he to
hinder me. What he says he will do, he does. Respectable quality.
Why can't more people be like him and my bro? |
All video game characters, storylines, promotional merchandise, names, places, events, titles, and anything else not adapted or created by me belongs to their respective creators. Reset is a work of parody under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Original content copyright © 2001, 2002 TheDarkChristian, Shaun Bell. Reset is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.