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Guest rant: Joe

So Mario attempts to get Tails to shut up...  unsuccessfully.  *shrug*  Better luck next time, d00d.

Joe was reading yesterday's rant and found that he disagreed a bit.   So I told him to put it in a bit more coherent form and here it is.  Enjoy.  :)  Also, if anyone else feels that they disagree with ANY of my rants, email me, and it just might end up as a guest rant.  Later.

Something I don't get.  People say one thing, and mean one thing about it.  And all of a sudden, others, just to start crap between people will alter words or meanings just to see disputes happen.  WHY!?!?  What in the blue hell is wrong with these people, that they see some pleasure in making havoc for others?  Its times like these that I wish I could just sit down and throw away those people in my life who make it hard for me to leave the house and live my life, and yet, I deal with them on a daily basis.  I always say I hate stupid people, and most of my friends are stupid.  Does that mean I hate my friends?  No, I hate my acquaintances.  Those who have yet to screw me over, they are people I consider my friends.  For instance, my brother.  He may have ditched me before, and he's forgotten about me, but he has never screwed me over.  Another would be the host of this site, TDC.  No, this is not a shameless plug for him, its true.  He hasn't done anything he to hinder me.  What he says he will do, he does.  Respectable quality.  Why can't more people be like him and my bro? 

Another thing.  People who want others to believe something that just isn't true.  Ya know, once again, it's just an annoying thing people do in order to make others lives miserable.  Or, if you want to refer back to TDC's last rant, they deceive you in order to make you think THEIR lives are miserable.  In other words, a pity party routine.  I had a girlfriend like that once, and it got to the point where I couldn't take it.  I know what your thinking.  "You horrible person, how could you say those things?"  Well, first off, the story constantly changed, like a "Garfield" strip.  It's always something different.  It was one thing one day, another the next, and the problem from before just wasn't there anymore.  On top of that, the mood swings.  She would be so elated, then depressed.  She would lie and lie, trying to get my sympathy, my love, and occasionally my money.  It was bullshit.  So, I ended that.  Damn good thing, cuz I just proved me right.  2 days later, after all the "Joe, I do care for you, I don't want to lose you," she dates another.  Poor soul, bet he never saw it coming. 

But, also referring to deception, sometimes you have no choice but to deceive.  I know there are times I have to, either to help myself, or a friend.  Like that wife in that play? you know the one? about witches? Salem witch trials? The Crucible!   John Proctor's wife in that play, she lies, because she wants to save her husbands integrity.  That is an instance where it's ok to lie, in my opinion.  Sometimes for personal gain its good, like when no one can be screwed by it.  But when you lie, and someone who doesn't deserve it, or even if they do, gets screwed by it, that's wrong.  That is an offence that in the court of Joe gets you a kick in the dome piece.  Seriously though, then there are the times where you have to lie, because you just aren't proud of your actions.  I know about that one ^^;;  It sucks that I have to, but I do.  I'll come out eventually, but right now, things have to settle down.  Anyway, I guess that's all I have to say about that subject.  I'll be back, count on it.  Till next time?

Joe, who for the life of him, hates stupid people.
~ I'm seein red

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