"We take humor seriously. Or seriousness humorously. Or something. Yeah." Updated every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
5-2-02 Deception Yes, filler. At least, that's what it appears to be. I just thought it was humorous to look at things in perspective. Seems that Sonic hasn't quite gotten used to the 'shroom. We now have animated buttons and banners! Well, buttons at least. That is, one button. Anyway, it took me like two hours to do, and then it didn't save right, so I had to make it again from scratch. I hope you enjoy it! Oh, and I hope other sites use it and stuff. Yeah. I was listening to the radio the other day, and they were doing a bit called "war of the roses" where someone checks up on their significant other by having the station call and pretend to give free flowers and ask who they'd like to send them to. Well, this poor girl had been dating this guy for 6 months or so, and when asked who he would like to send them to, he said his girlfriend who was definitely not the person who had called the station to begin with. (Can anyone say run-on sentence?) Anyway, this got me thinking about deception. The way I see it, deception breeds deception. If you're going to pretend something that is not true, it requires a great deal of upkeep. Simple enough, right? Now stick with me here. It also seems to me that the only way to catch someone who is being deceptive is to be deceptive yourself. The guy on that radio show wouldn't have been caught if someone had come right out and asked if he had a girlfriend. At least, probably not. It took one of the DJs pretending to be something she wasn't to catch him in the act. So the only true way to stop deception when the truth is unavailable is through further deception. What a thought. It's giving me a headache. Or maybe that's just the changing pressure. *shrug* TDC, who is randomly deaf in one ear |
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