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Guest rant: Sl0th

Right, so just 2 1/2 weeks left...  Wow.  Well, just an update, I think I've got a handle on Flash now, and am hoping to get the first animated super-strip done by the middle of next week.  *crosses fingers again*

Today's rant is one that I received months ago, in December, actually, when I was having a dry spell (as far as rants were concerned) and I asked for guest rants.  I figured if I didn't put it up soon, well, there wouldn't be a chance.  So here it is:


Life.  Life is strange.  It is extremely simple to take life for granted.  People do it all the time.  All the recent tragedies in the world pretty well prove that to me.  But have you ever thought about how unlikely any of us existing exactly as we do is?  The odds are almost incomprehensible.  The universe has truly stacked the odds against us existing at all. 

For starters, the odds that the sun would ever have been ignited are a complete stroke of luck.  Then that a planet would be created in just an ideal position from the sun instead of a little closer or farther away.  Or that the world would have an atmosphere on it capable of supporting life as well as liquid water.  Don’t think for a moment the water just sort of appeared here.  There are many theories about where it came from.  Then that this world, ideal for the creation of life, would somehow have life develop on it.  There is a huge leap from being able to support it and having the first microorganisms appear.  Then this new life would survive this untested world, and thrive.  It would cover the world’s oceans, then life forms would begin to crawl out of the ocean and continue to change and evolve until the first humans appeared.  These humans then, instead of just dying off or going in a different direction all together, picked or was propelled on the path that lead to our present.  And through all, this planet has been hurdling through a cosmic shooting gallery, one in which a single chunk of rock could obliterate billions of years of evolution.  With all of things stacked against us in the universe that we know of, there are undoubtedly many, many more we just don’t know about.  But then, we idiotic humans decide to go out of our way to make MORE ways to end our own fragile lives.

Name another species on this planet that have purposely managed to make as many ways as we have to destroy their own environment.  I can’t think of a one.  What species in their right mind would want to make the already astronomical odds of existence even worse for themselves?  Why do humans kill each other for petty reasons?  Why can’t we just put aside differences we might have with one another and just enjoy our improbable existences?  It would make more sense.  But we can’t do it.  People wish for world peace, but unless the very essence of human nature is suddenly to dramatically change, it isn’t going to happen.  I wonder whose doing it is that in a universe that is already out to get us, we have some inherent need to destroy both our surroundings as well as others of our own kind.  Is it our own?  Is it just another one of existence’s cruel jokes?  Or is it just another improbable occurrences like that to which we owe our very existence to?  I don’t know.  Lets just stick that in the pile of other profound and unanswerable questions and hope one day we figure it all out.



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