"We take humor seriously.  Or seriousness humorously.  Or something.  Yeah."

First time here?  Be sure to read the first strip and make your way through the archives.

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founder of
The Random Video Game Humor
Webcomic Ring:



*Update, 3-28-03*

I finished updating the archives, and they should be in effect by the time you read this.  Also, the observant among you have noticed the new banner at the top.  See the animated banner that inspired it here.  Those two are also on their respective pages, for those that care to look.  I also realized I could edit the error pages.  Nothing flashy, but still more interesting than the default.  Maybe all this productivity will spill over onto the movies...  not likely, but hey, we can all hope, right?  Hey, I want them done as much as you do.  Maybe more.  l8r

Starving artist syndrome

I've got a few new tricks up my sleeves.  I'm working on cleaning up the archives.  I know that when you click "next" sometimes it doesn't load a new comic.  That's because there was an updated rant before there was a new strip.  For a while, I was ranting seven days a week, and only making comics three.  So I'm changing that.  I'm consolidating the rants so that every time you click "next" you actually get a new strip.  That also means updating the archives page, but it's all internal, and you shouldn't see any visible changes.

So I've got a lot of work ahead of me, the two unfinished videos notwithstanding.  I'd say the second video (the final battle) is about 30% finished.  I'd like to pick it up again soon as it has been 10 months since I promised I'd get it finished.  I still intend to, but with life the way it's been...  No.  No excuses.  I'll start working on them again soon.

As for the updated pages, I'll be changing every single page by hand, copying and pasting the text and changing the link buttons.  It's a lot of work, but I should be able to finish it fairly quickly (compared to how long it's taken me to do other updates and upgrades).

I'm also creating a contact page.  That way if I need to change email addresses again I won't have to change it on hundreds of pages - just one.  I'll be editing the archives to reflect this change.  Hopefully this'll be the last time I'll have to make an update of this magnitude.

I've had the itch lately to create and to rant, and I don't think Venting is going to get off the ground.  So I may start Reset Gaiden.  But don't get your hopes up.  I'll have to make enough money to afford an internet connection first.  Perhaps I'll set up a paypal account and let anyone who wants to contribute to such a fund do so.  Ideas?  Email me!

TDC, who is surviving...  somehow
Contact me!
- swim in a deep sea of blankets

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All video game characters, storylines, promotional merchandise, names, places, events, titles, and anything else not adapted or created by me belongs to their respective creators. Reset is a work of parody under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Original content copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 TheDarkChristian, Shaun Bell.

Reset is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.